Friday, August 8, 2008

scientists are the real prophets

Scientists are the real prophets of this world and their work is the real miracle. If ten million people pray for a rock to move an inch, it does not move a micron, but if one people uses his brain and moves the rock, it will move to the top of a mountain. Religion can't do anything for the people, it is the science that is the true miracle. From TVs to Cell Phones to cars and planes, we see the results of this miracle all around us and yet we still believe in religion instead of science.

stupid society yet still worth living in

For an intellectual, the human society is mostly illogical. The wars, the fights, the people using drugs and drinks and cigarettes. One sometimes wants to just escape the society and live like a hermit. But then, without this society we could not live longer than 40 years. Without this society we could not have health care. Without this same society we would live hungry and dirty most of our lives. So at the end of the day, existence of such an imperfect thing is better than no society of human beings.

Ugly Billboards

As a city planner I find it abhorring that the cities let all these huge commercial billboards go up anywhere in the city. Just look at the Dundas Square in Toronto. It makes the city really ugly. I believe there should be some regulations limiting the use of billboards in the cities.