Monday, April 23, 2007

Parenting needs licensing

Parenting needs training, education and licensing, like anything else in our society, like driving, etc: Even the simplest most basic jobs in our society nowadays needs a license and at least months of coaching and training. Even to drive a car you need a license. And yet, the most difficult, the most delicate of jobs, which is educating and bringing up the young is totally neglected in this respect.

Any addicted alcoholic person with a penis or womb is allowed to have children and bring them up without any knowledge about education. We let millions of children to grow up in households that don't know a word about how to teach and train a young human brain. What a waste! There must be license for parenting, and frequent check-ups. The same way we don't let a drunk or addict to drive in our roads because he will اhurt himself and others, the same way we should not let him/her to upbring a child because it will damage the fabric of our society.

This grey matter inside our skulls is the main capital of any society. If it is wasted, the society will be doomed. And yet, we let anybody, without any training, to bring up the children. Especially the first six years of life, where the whole personality of a human being is formed for the rest of their lives, should not be left in the hands of everybody just because they are the "genetic" parents of the child.

Toronto Star Article about the necessity of Early Years Education

Is domestic capitalist ownership better?

What is the difference between foreign ownership of means of production or domestic ownership. We hear from time to time moans and groans about how the whole Canadian ownership of corporations is being disappeared. Most of the large Canadian companies have already been gobbled up by foreign owned companies from American to even Chinese. But I don’t see why the hype. Capitalists are capitalists. They are there to make as much profit as possible and to exploit the wage earners. Why should we think that a domestic exploiter is better than a foreign one and will exploit us less? They are all alike. The problem is not in who owns our corporations, but the whole system of capitalism.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Nothing is changed much since they made this poster early 20th century. Except that now instead of the mostly manual labourers you have to put white collar wage earners and service sector employees at the bottom of the food chain.

Friday, April 20, 2007

The main goal of education in any society

What is more important in education, teaching history and math, or teaching how to be a good citizen, respect other people’s rights, avoid crime and etc? Our educational system sacrifices the main aim of education which is the rearing of a good and responsible citizen for the goal of teaching mainly useless stuff which will never be used in later stages in life.

Shouldn't we worship the human brain instead of god??

My cell phone rings. I answer the call, it is from Iran. I start talking and we talk for a long time. It never stops to amaze me. I am sitting here, half a globe away and I can talk to my mother in Iran as if she is in the same room, or sitting next to me in the bus.

What is a miracle? The story of Lazarous in the bible, or this amazing gadget in my hand? This small miracle of human ingenuity that lets me talk to somebody at the other side of the globe with the click of a button?

If there is a god, it is our brain. Our magnificent and unbelievably complex brain that has made cell phones and cars out of the rocks and oil of the ground. As if with a magic wand, we have turned simple rocks in the ground into these objects. Aren't we, human beings, the real god? Why do we tend to worship other imaginary and childish objects. If it was for me, I would put an effigy of a human brain on a pedestal in any temple and tell people," if you want to pray and worship a god, at least worship the real god", yourselves.

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

200 killed and scores injured in Baghdad today, the surge is really working

Thanks to Mr. Bush's surge policy, just today 190 people got killed in Baghdad in separate incidents. When is the time to say enough is enough? Who can tell this knucklehead that he is defeated in Iraq. Please, somebody save us from him. UN people, can't you take over and run Iraq for the sake of sanity and its poor people?

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech and Americans

NRA will definitely start with: " if all students had each one gun with themselves, the guy could not kill anybody, they would have killed him first" ! Oh, yeah, sweet wild west movie. I am stunned that these people are even allowed to pretend to be reasonable human beings with such crooked reasoning. Constitution giving us the right to carry guns? The fathers of the nation could never imagine a crazy guy in VT in their wildest dreams. Or guys buying automatic guns from every corner store. If they were living now, they would definitely have the guts to cross this items out of the constitution, not like current spineless politicians. These guys, just to keep the campaign donations flowing, don't dare to ban the guns, something that every sane American expects them to do. The gun lobby is much too powerful.

And the people are completely and scientifically brainwashed to the point that they can't see the harm of this policy. The same way they have been brainwashed for a long time to loath the government and the taxes. And, it works unfortunately. Capitalism is strong.

If this guy had just a knife, what could he have done? At most stab one or two and then stopped by the same people that he managed to kill by his "guns". When a crazy guy went into a school in England several years ago and killed innocent children with a handgun the government introduced very strict gun control laws instantly. Why can't American government do the same, after all these tragedies? What is wrong with American democracy? Why is it so paralysed? Why can't it even change their measurement units into metrics, something all the world except US is now abiding by. US is the only country in the world still measuring things by feet and yards and gallons and pounds and miles. Why are politicians in the US so afraid of introducing big radical changes when it is necessary?

But one has to admit there is also something wrong with the culture, with the whole social structure of this society. Even in societies that people carry guns freely, like Somalia, Afghanistan, etc, this sort of killings never happens. This never happenes in Europe, or China, or India, or Japan. What is wrong with American culture?? Why people kill so easily there when they go stark mad, and not in other societies? Americans need to sit down and think about it long and hard.


This can't happen in this world, but the power of money and greed in US let people act and talk like this, read on:,8599,1611939,00.html

Toronto Star article about gun availability in the US

Sunday, April 15, 2007

Why Invade Iraq?

As one wise old man said, the invasion of Iraq is just for these three reasons:


O: stands for oil. US needs the middle east oil and Iraq has the second largest oil resources in the world

I : stands for Israel. The very powerful Israeli lobby used the American military to get rid of one of its staunchest enemies in the region.

L : US needs "land bases" in the middle east to guard the flow of oil and it will now have it in Iraq.

But the real victor in all this tragedy has been Israel. The long term goal of the Israeli government is to split up the large countries in the middle east into small feuding states. It is better to have three small weak feuding Kurd, Shiite and Sunni state in Iraq instead of one powerful central government that can be a force against Israel.

Israel has the same plan for Iran, and the other larger states in the middle east. Let us hope it can't be as successful in carrying out the plan as it was in case of Iraq.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Innocent Palestinian civilians used as human shields by the fascist Israeli army

I don't know if we can call this army by any other name. Nazi forces used these tactics and now we have Israeli army doing the same:

Boy used as human shield by Israeli Army

Monday, April 9, 2007

Meaning of life

We are born into this world without any purpose, it has just been a roll of dice for us, no goal, no aim, just being born, like any other chemical event, like a fly or dinosaur or bacteria or virus, or any other animal. We try hard to understand the meaning of life, but if we are honest, we have to admit that there has been no aim or higher goal in our birth or existence. But we can give meaning to this meaningless existence by our actions and thoughts. And then after death, nothing remains, exactly like other animals, or bacteria, or viruses. we are just a moment between two eternal darknesses. This is bleak, but this is the reality of our existence in this world.

Atomic Bomb, Islamic Republic? not in your life!

The media were at it again today. Ahmadinejhad has announced today that Iran is beginning to produce enriched uranium, and as if waiting for a signal, the whole western media started the raucous about the Iranian atomic bomb. But Iranians themselves know better. First, we know that the government in Iran is inherently a lier. Because there is no democracy, it is easy for them to lie, and if they can lie, they never tell the truth. That is just the nature of this government, and the social class it is coming from. And second, we know how inefficient this government is. We see it in everyday life, in every aspect of People's lives. So how could they be any different when it comes to enriched uranium? We saw how they botched the war. A country with 60 million population, huge resources, the largest army in the middle east with the most advanced weapons at the beginning of the revolution could not beat a much smaller primitive country after 8 years of war. All because of the enormous inefficiency of the Islamic Republic. With the huge brain drain that is continuing to this day, it is just impossible for this government to have enough brain power to pull it through. Even if they had all the brain power in the world, still they could not do it because of the abhorring management style.

So inside Iran people know that it is just a show put on for the foreign press, but outside Iran, it is taken seriously.

Sunday, April 8, 2007

Israel, democracy, Palestinians

1. How could a country call itself democratic when it oppresses millions of people inside its borders. Was South Africa a democracy during the Apartheid era? Was American south a true deomcracy before the civil war and during the slavery period? I don’t think anybody would dare call any of those systems a democracy. I am struck each time I hear Israel being called a beacon of democracy in the middle east. Until such time that Israel leaves the occupied territories according to the UN conventions, and stops building apartheid-style 7 meter tall Berlin Walls complete with checkpoints it can’t be considered a true democracy. No country can be a democracy while oppressing another nation residing in the lands it has occupied by force. A system where only a percentage of the population are entitled to democracy and another group has to live in walled “Bantustan” style communities in abject poverty and are considered less than human and have no civil and human rights can’t be considered a democracy by any measures.

When you drive a cat with its back to the wall, it will attack you with all its force if it thinks you really want to harm it. For him it is a struggle of life or death, it will try to defend its life by all means although it knows it is much weaker than you. You can't blame the cat in such a situation, you have to blame yourself by causing the circumstances that made it so ferocious. You have not left any other option for it. Israel can't blame the Palestinians for what is going on the occupied lands, it has to analyse what it has done wrong to Palestinians to bring them to acts of desperate terror. These Palestinians are not their fathers and grand-fathers, who were illiterate and submissive and could not stand up to a bunch of European and American colonialists invading their lands. They are now educated and can't be subdued like their forefathers. Israel has not yet grasped the immensity of this landslide change in a new Palestinian generation. The mentality of the Israeli rulers is still one of the European colonialists of half a centry ago, they have not accepted the sea change in Palestine population.

2. Jewish people used to be one of the most radical and mostly left-wing groups in western countries during 19th and early 20th century. Because they were oppressed they used to be open and accepting to radical left political ideas and at the vanguard of most revolutionary movements. A rather unproportional number of members of socialist and communist parties in the west always belonged to Jews. Just check the leaders of the German socialism or Russian socialist movement, or any left and unionist movement in North America. Israel brought an end to this proud heritage. Suddenly most jewish people anywhere turned into the most right wing and reactionary groups in their societies. It is sad to see these proud people supporting extra right groups like George Bush in US or Harper in Canada, just because they think it is their duty to support Israel. I ask why? Why you should sacrifice your idealistic and progressive opinions just because you feel obliged to support a government? Just because Israel is a government of the Jews does not oblige you to close your eyes to the tyranny going on there. Following that line of reason any citizen of any democracy should shut up and not utter a word against their own government because it is their national government?

3. Do Bahais demand a country because they are a distinct religion? Do Mormons demand a country of their own? Or Isamilis? Or Buddhists? What is the difference between those religions, or any other religion for that matter, and Judaism which entitles the Jews to claim a country of their own? And can a country established and based on one religion only be democratic at all? There will always be fundamental contradictions and discrepancies between adhering to the tenets of one religion and letting all different opinions and religions have their free say in such a system.