Tuesday, July 17, 2007

I am disappointed with Toronto

Again Toronto showed it does not have the courage and the will it takes to be a great city. Again at the last moment the city council wavered and voted no to the new taxes to save the city from bankruptcy. When we can't help ourselves, how do we expect federal and provincial levels of government to care for us? Just by ONE vote, city hall voted to defer the final decision about the taxes. Shame on the councillors that sided with capitalist fat cats in voting no to tax raises while they knew that the city is on the brink of bankruptcy.

Saving Toronto is not difficult. Just raise taxes for the fat cats, not the average joe and the middle class. Squeeze the fat cats, dont' be so timid. They make money in this city and out of the people of this city, why shouldn't they return some of that money to the city that has been so generous to them?? Why should they live in huge mansions with 40 rooms. Tax huge houses, they won't die living in 30 rooms instead of 40. Tax big cars, tax big consumption. But......... who dares to do that. Not half of our councillors. They won't bite the hand that feeds them, do they?

Please click here and here and here and here to read the articles about tax cuts(from Toronto Star)

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