Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech and Americans

NRA will definitely start with: " if all students had each one gun with themselves, the guy could not kill anybody, they would have killed him first" ! Oh, yeah, sweet wild west movie. I am stunned that these people are even allowed to pretend to be reasonable human beings with such crooked reasoning. Constitution giving us the right to carry guns? The fathers of the nation could never imagine a crazy guy in VT in their wildest dreams. Or guys buying automatic guns from every corner store. If they were living now, they would definitely have the guts to cross this items out of the constitution, not like current spineless politicians. These guys, just to keep the campaign donations flowing, don't dare to ban the guns, something that every sane American expects them to do. The gun lobby is much too powerful.

And the people are completely and scientifically brainwashed to the point that they can't see the harm of this policy. The same way they have been brainwashed for a long time to loath the government and the taxes. And, it works unfortunately. Capitalism is strong.

If this guy had just a knife, what could he have done? At most stab one or two and then stopped by the same people that he managed to kill by his "guns". When a crazy guy went into a school in England several years ago and killed innocent children with a handgun the government introduced very strict gun control laws instantly. Why can't American government do the same, after all these tragedies? What is wrong with American democracy? Why is it so paralysed? Why can't it even change their measurement units into metrics, something all the world except US is now abiding by. US is the only country in the world still measuring things by feet and yards and gallons and pounds and miles. Why are politicians in the US so afraid of introducing big radical changes when it is necessary?

But one has to admit there is also something wrong with the culture, with the whole social structure of this society. Even in societies that people carry guns freely, like Somalia, Afghanistan, etc, this sort of killings never happens. This never happenes in Europe, or China, or India, or Japan. What is wrong with American culture?? Why people kill so easily there when they go stark mad, and not in other societies? Americans need to sit down and think about it long and hard.


This can't happen in this world, but the power of money and greed in US let people act and talk like this, read on:


Toronto Star article about gun availability in the US


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