Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Trump and a war with Iran

If trump gets into more trouble, it is possible that he and the people around him(like Banon) think of a scenario to make him popular. And for dictators nothing is better than a war to create popularity. Remember George Bush at the beginning of his first term? He was very unpopular but after 11th September and then the war with Afghanistan and Iraq, he became quite populare, at least for sometime. Now if Trump wants to follow Bush's steps, he has to create a crisis and at least semi-war. We know that he considers Iran as the major enemy of America, so it is quite clear if he wants to start a war or crisis, it will be against Iran.

1 comment:

SoupKitchenBoy said...

The question is which country will he start a war with first?

In the game of chicken two drivers head towards each other. The first one that turns away loses. This is very stupid and destructive when it involves two people; it is catastrophic when it involves two nations.