Saturday, February 25, 2017


I am really scared this morning. Remember I have repeated a few times before, the only difference between Trumpism and Fascism is the lack of paramilitary groups and huge rallies in the Trump movement. I felt that sooner or later his movement will metamorphosis into a fascist movement by acquiring the same techniques. I was just waiting for it to happen. Trump loves big rallies of devoted fans and the ultra-rightist people around him could use these rallies to start a core of a paramilitary fascist group. Trump is right on his way on that road. This morning when I read his latest tweet, I had a view of Nuremberg, huge rallies, SA and SS. REMEMBER, PEOPLE WHO WERE LIVING IN GERMANY IN THE 30s DID NOT TAKE HITLER SERIOUSLY AT FIRST BECAUSE THEY COULD NOT BELIEVE HOW BAD THINGS COULD GET. Those people laughed at the few who were predicting a disaster, those people said it does not matter, he is just a clown, and anyway, we are busier than to spend time resisting Hitler. We have our lives to live……. “And to lose later in the fascist catastrophy.”

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