Monday, January 30, 2017

The opposition and demonstrations against Trump should be built into the beginning of a new united movement for the left

There is huge opposition to Trump, which is really valid. In my opinion, there is not much difference between Trumpism and Fascism. If Trump is allowed to proceed the way he likes, sooner or later his movement will be closer and closer to the classic fascist movements.

The demonstrations and the action against Trump in the world is larger than the movement itself. It is the place to start a new united movement for the left and bring about big change in US. Don't look at the demonstrations as just demonstrations, look at them as a university. As places to talk, to lecture, to inform people, to distribute information, and to start a united movement by bringing together like-minded people in and create a party and a movement which will survive the end of current demonstrations and will evolve and continue. Otherwise, it will fizzle out and people will get back home and get involved in their day to day life and Trump will win. The movement should become permanent, not temporary.

Sunday, January 22, 2017

How to deal with Trump to get concessions

Dealing with Trump is very very easy, just tell him he is the brightest, the most beautiful, the richest person in the world. Tell him he is a genius. Tell him he is the best politician in the world. Tell him he is number one actor in reality TV.

Trump is an excessive narcissist. He needs constant confirmation that he is the best, or as he says, he is terrific.

On the other hand, it is very easy to perturb him also. Narcissists have a very thin skin. Just one word of criticism and he is done.

Friday, January 20, 2017

The roller coaster begins today

American roller coaster begins today. My American friends, fasten your seat belts please.

As somebody who lived through 4 years of Rob Ford, I do really sympathize with Americans. They don't know what is waiting for them yet.

Sunday, January 15, 2017

George Bush was very unpopular until Sept. 11, How about Trump?

Thos of us who remember George Bush's time, know that at the beginning of his presidency he was very unpopular, bu then Sept. 11 happened and changed everything. In tough times people gather around the leaders, no matter how bad they are, and George Bush heavily benefitted from that disaster.

Will something similar change Trump's condition now and make him popular? Let us hope not.

Tuesday, January 10, 2017

How Japan eradicated gun crimes

Japan has one of the lowest rates of gun crime in the world. In 2014 there were just six gun deaths, compared to 33,599 in the US. Why can't Americans do the same???

Read the BBC article here: 

How Japan has almost eradicated gun crime

Here is how democracies slowly fade away

Doesn't it remind you of Rome? :

"Trump is testing the limits of federal anti-nepotism laws with the selection of his son-in-law, Jared Kushner, to be a senior adviser in the White House. Federal statute both prohibits the hiring of a son-in-law, even by a president, and from paying that person. Kushner will not take a salary in an effort to be more compliant with the law and to mitigate any potential legal challenge. Democrats are already calling for a Justice Department investigation, but it appears that the Trump position will be to argue that the restriction on whom a president can select for jobs is an unconstitutional restriction on his appointment powers."

Trump is a lier, how did American people vote for him???

New York Times article about Trump's lies and more lies 

Trump Leaves The Apprentice For Family Feud

President-elect named Jared Kushner as Senior Adviser to the President, after what must have been a thorough vetting process. After all, Jared Kushner is Trump’s son-in-law. The appointment further entangles the incoming administration in a maze of criticism and legal problems. Kushner will have to argue that federal anti-nepotism laws, which prohibit any federal official from hiring family members to an agency or office which he or she leads, don’t apply to him. Otherwise, he’ll have to retain an informal role, similar to Trump’s children as they join political meetings

Monday, January 9, 2017


Beijing from the sky. HORRIBLE

Americans lost belief in government as a force for good

We have switched from naïveté to cynicism. One could argue that they are opposites, but I think not. With naïveté you risk disillusionment, which is what happened to me and many of my generation. Cynicism, however, stops you before you start. It alienates us from “the government,” a phrase that today connotes bureaucratic quagmire. It threatens democracy, because it destroys the power of the people to even want to make change.

You don’t finish the world’s largest highway system, build huge numbers of public schools and universities, institute the Great Society, fight a major war, and go to the moon, which we did in the 1960s — simultaneously — if you’re cynical about government and politicians.

If these inequities continue to grow, resentment will grow with it. With growing resentment, the already wide divide between the military and civilians will also widen. This is how republics fall, with armies and parts of the country more loyal to their commander than their country.

We need to return to the spirit of the military draft, and how people felt about service to their country. The military draft was viewed by most of us the same way we view income tax. I wouldn’t pay my taxes if there wasn’t the threat of jail. But as a responsible citizen, I also see that paying taxes is necessary to fund the government — my government.

People would still grumble. We grumble about taxes. People would still try to pull strings to get more pleasant assignments. But everyone would serve. They’d work for “the government,” and maybe start to see it as “our government.” It’s a lot harder to be cynical about your country if you devoted two years of your life making it a better place.

Let the armed services be just one of many ways young people can serve their country. With universal service, some boy from Seattle could find himself sharing a tamale with some Hispanic girl from El Paso. Conservatives and liberals would learn to work together for a common cause. We could return to the spirit of people of different races learning to work together in combat during the Vietnam War.

From this articlet at New York Times

Saturday, January 7, 2017

Friday Tweet by Trump about Arnold

On Friday, Trump flamed the new host of NBC’s The Celebrity Apprentice, the former governor of California, Arnold Schwarzenegger. “Wow, the ratings are in and Arnold Schwarzenegger got swamped (or destroyed) by comparison to the ratings machine, DJT.”
He was talking about 2008 ratings for a crass reality show that he still produces. That was nine years ago. In 14 days, he will run a country, and this is what is on his mind. He referred to himself in the third person, always a bad sign, and called himself a “ratings machine,” just as he has boasted about his “very high IQ, one of the highest” for which there is no evidence.
Schwarzenegger responded with statesmanlike dignity.

If you want to understand Trump voters, read this one article

This one article really helped me to understand Trump voters. How could a person vote for his class enemy? Read this article to understand how: