Monday, July 31, 2017


It's like a bunch of clownish rich dudes volunteered for an experiment to show you can't run government like a business.

It is true!

You go to the toilet in DC these days & you end up missing a major Trump scandal or firing or crazy tweet. Simply can't keep up.


Not only is Trump hiring people who work on Wall Street, he's also day trading them.

How to lose your job in 10 days


When Trump said he'd "Give every American a Job" I didn't realize there was just one job & they'd all get a turn.....Scaramucci

Five stages of work in white house

Unionise, people who work for Trump

People in the Trump administration really ought to unionize.

Trump/Game of Thrones

Having out classed 'House of Cards’ for TV drama, the White House just needs a few dragons to match the body count of 'Game of Thrones'

Very good article about Kelly's appointment and his future and if it is going to change anything

It is not going to change anything

Soldiers Won’t Save the President

Stephen King about Trump

Sunday, July 30, 2017

Saturday, July 29, 2017

What does Trump do during the day?

Trump's Daily Duties:Tweet, Lie, Eat, Tweet, Lie, Golf, Hate! Eat, Bully, Lie, Eat, Sleep, Tweet, Bully, Cheat, Lie, Blame Others, Lie, Hate

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Presidency as a reality show

The presidency in the United States has been turned into a second rate reality show with 40% approval ratings. 

Sunday, July 23, 2017

Trump's painting

Mad magazine - Parody of the famous Washington's painting

Trump's world

“Donald’s World” by Mark Fredrickson, based on “Christina’s World” by Andrew Wyeth. Courtesy of Mad Magazine.

Saturday, July 15, 2017

Trump is really a disaster, wasting his time in his personal golf club, promoting it via tweeter

For a second day Trump is watching U.S. Women's Open at his personal golf club(Trump National Golf Club). And he does not stop tweeting about it! This is shameless, disgusting, irresponsible. He is virtually wasting his time there watching golf while he is promoting his golf club. What is wrong with America, what is wrong with Republicans? Don't they want to stop him?


Who'd have thought it would be this clear cut: Russian lawyer and FSB counter intel officer hand deliver collision folder to Trump Tower?!

So embarrassing for the president of USA to promote his personal business online

We know where your golf club is located, you don't need to give the address so the ones who seek your favors come over there and pay huge amounts to meet you. This is so embarrassing for America that its president is promoting his golf club, his personal business, shamelessly on the internet.

And so everybody there, instead of watching the games, is talking about the stock market Mr. President???

What happened to the executive order ceremonies???

What happened to the executive order ceremonies? Remember the first days of his presidency? He loved it!

Wednesday, July 12, 2017

Trump and GOP

Trump will only go down if GOP joins the American public at impeaching him. As long as the GOP supports Trump, he will, unfortunately, remain the president. 

CNN chart of connections between Trump mafia and Putin

Tuesday, July 11, 2017

Donald J. instantly after!

White House Denies Any Ties to United States

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—In a fiercely defiant statement on Tuesday, the White House press secretary, Sean Spicer, denied that any member of the White House staff has ever worked "in any way, shape, or form" for the benefit of the United States.
Angrily addressing the press corps, Spicer said that any allegations that members of the Trump Administration have ever acted in concert or collusion with the United States are "unequivocally false."
"At no time during the transition or afterward did any member of the Trump team have meetings, conversations, or any other contacts that furthered the interests of the United States of America," Spicer said. "In the thousands of communications that took place, the United States never came up even once."
Drawing a stark contrast with the Administration of former President Barack Obama, Spicer said that many members of Obama’s staff were “clearly and flagrantly working for the United States government at all times.”
“President Trump has put an end to that,” he said.
In closing, Spicer said that the recent effort to pass the Republican health-care bill should silence “once and for all” those trying to link the Trump Administration to the United States government. "If you look at the interaction between the White House and congressional Republicans, there is absolutely no evidence of coördination,” he said.



THIS IS NOTHING BUT TREASON. If the GOP had any shred of decency left, they would go after Trump for treason. But oh no, "tax cuts and repeal of Obamacare" is much more important than selling the country to Putin. 

the lies Trump told

Donald Trump Junior's treason

Monday, July 10, 2017

What sort of sick person does this? Of course, Donald Trump Junior!

Cutting the tail of a hunted elephant? What sort of animal are you?

Saturday, July 8, 2017

banana republic

This is a banana republic when the daughter of the dictator, who is just a purse designer, takes over and does her father's job

Thursday, July 6, 2017

َAgain, another sign of dementia, this time in Poland

Trump is lost on stage and moves out of the protective anti-bullet glass cover right in front of the people completely unprotected, and does not leave the stage

Tuesday, July 4, 2017

If this isn't the first stages of Alzheimer's, what is this??

Something is really really wrong with this guy. This must be the first stages of Alzheimer's. Also, do you notice that Melania waits for him to get into the car and then leaves the plane?
I tremble with fear when I think this guy has the atomic codes in his tiny hands.

The statue of misery

Trump's tie

This is the way Trump celebrates 4th of July

Trump's fourth of July

Trump retweets from this guy??

I love you Trump