Friday, March 23, 2007

The Stupid Empire and Somalia. Same mistakes again!

Isn’t America the stupidest empire in the world ever? Or do all empires become stupid? Were Romans as stupid as Americans at the height of their power? Is it the hubris? Is it that they think they don’t need to be smart as a fox because they have the power of a lion and can afford to be as stupid as they want?

Look at Somalia now. They are repeating the same mistakes they made in Vietnam and just recently in Iraq and Afghanistan. When they invaded Somalia with the Ethiopian troops, it was very odd that Mogadishu fell in just a few days. It was just impossible to imagine that an organized force like the Muslim militia that had nearly conquered the whole country was going to be defeated and disappear in a few days. It was very clear what was their tactic. They had just melted away like Taliban in Afghanistan to reorganize and regroup and then start a guerilla war and hit the empire back. It was very clear that the corrupt bickering warlords of the different tribes that are united in a loose confederation called the legal government of Somalia can’t bring peace back to Somalia and yet Americans supported them and gave Mogadishu to them, for what purpose. To bring back the old rivalries and infighting, like Afghanistan after the American invasion. And now the same scenario is repeating itself in Somalia. Guerilla war which bites at the feet of the empire and leaves it helpless, an elephant surrounded by millions of local ants, helpless.

What really baffles me is: isn’t there a brain anywhere in US, in all those right wing think tanks that run the American foreign policy? What is wrong with these people? Why can’t they learn? Why do they make the same mistakes and blunders again and again?

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