Friday, October 26, 2007

The greatest political act

As Jesuits used to say: give your newborn child to us and we will guarantee that we will make a true Christan out of s/he for life. They knew well. What we are, our habits and personality is formed by the time we are 6 years old. Insert good habits in these first six years, and the person will always follow and be a good one. Ruin him/her during these 6 years, and there is nearly no possibility of reform.

The greatest act of political reform and change by any government will be to introduce good education for these first 6 years, but alas, the governments let these first critical years totally in the hand of the parents. Parents who could be drug addicts, alcoholics, uneducated, crazy, etc. And then when the kid has already acquired the mechanism that is going to shape his/her personality, they try to change it! Isn't it stupid?

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