Sunday, February 22, 2009

Education must be from birth to 6 years old

To know how effective early education is just watch the fundamentalist religious sects like Bahai's, Fundamentalist Jews, Menonites and other Christian sects. They start the intense religious education of their children very early and by 6 years old, these young ones have been totally converted to that religion in a way that rarely any one of them can break away from the path later in life and nearly all of them remain faithful to the sect and belief. Because early education to the brain is like operating system to the computer. You can't change the operating system once it is installed, you can upload and install other software, but the main operating system will always be there. No other software can be run without the operating system and if they don't run on the operating system, they are rejected.

When the fundamentalist groups can do it so good, why can't we, the rational science loving normal people do the same? The governments should start education much earlier. But what they do? They only accept the children after 6. By that time, any alchoholic, addict, mentally sick, uneducated parent has already clouded their children's mind enough that no education in the world can change them.

If we want a better world, nothing can cut to the bone and no road is more direct to it than a good early education.

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