Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Who wins and who loses under Trumpcare

Who Wins and Who Loses Under Republicans’ Health Care Plan

The biggest losers under the change would be older Americans with low incomes who live in high-cost areas. Those are the people who benefited most from Obamacare.(and many of them actually voted for Trump)

For some people, the new tax credit system will be more generous. The winners are likely to be younger, earn higher incomes and live in areas where the cost of health insurance is low.(and these people won't use the insurance anyways, as they are young and healthy, so hoorah for insurance company lobbyists. 

Obamacare's subsidies were structured to limit how much low- and middle-income Americans could be asked to pay for health insurance. Under the G.O.P. proposal, many of the people whose tax credits would fall sharply would be likely to end up uninsured. For people with few resources, a gap of several thousands of dollars between their tax credit and the cost of coverage would be impossible to make up.

((But if you put Obamacare out of your mind, this program still represents a very large outlay of federal money to help Americans buy health insurance. Before Obamacare passed, those buying their own insurance did not receive government subsidies. And the tax credits in the Republican bill would go to people regardless of whether they even paid taxes -- another reason conservatives oppose it.)) SO OBAMA WON AT LAST AND REPUBLICANS HAD TO CAVE IN

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