Monday, September 29, 2008

Thoughts on the current caplitalist crisis

The Republicans in US are howling about socialism. As if the American government is turning into a socialist government. Yes, it is true that however they put it, they have effectively NATIONALISED the mortgage firms and the AIG and other firms they are bailing out, but no, this is not socialism, because the moment the markets improve and there is a whiff of profit in the air, they are going to sell them back to the private sector, to the same fat cats that bankrupted these institutions.

What happens is: They socialize when they lose, they privatize when they gain. Socialise to spread the loss to the general public, privatize when the institutions are profiting.

The question is: Why should the average American pay for the mistakes of the fat cats? Let them die over their own mistakes. Why should they be bailed out by the tax payer money? The economy won't get worse if they pay for their own mistakes!

Yes, they want us all to believe that this is the end of civilization, the disaster of the century, etc. And the media are always happy to oblige and make a mountain out of a mole hill. Not only because most of media belongs to them anyway, but also because this is the business of the media, to make mountains out of mole hills, otherwise they won't sell.

If they manage to convince us all that this is the end of the world and the greatest disaster in the human history, yes, then we will ask our politicians and representatives to vote for the bailout. So it is in their interest to paint a really gloomy picture, whilst it is not as bad as they want us to believe it is. I would say, no, let them sink in their stinking ships, they brought it upon themselves, and now they have to pay. They should not be saved by the taxes of the poor people who have not had any responsibility in the this fiasco.

I would say, just for once, don't believe in their lies. Yes, it is bad, but bad for THEM, not bad for us. Let them pay for their greed.

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