Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Thoughts on the capitalit crisis

The governments all around the world have interfered heavily in the markets to save the system. They have bought shares in banks and effectively nationalized some big financial institutions. The libertarians and Republican right calls it the advent of socialism. Nope, it is not. It is socialism for the fat cats and the rich. Because when things calm down and the good times arrive again, all this nationalized institutes will be returned to the capitalist owners, not the people who paid with their taxes to save them.

Again, the so-called invisible hand of the market was given the invisible finger. Again and again and again it is proved that the markets can’t regulate themselves and lassaiz fair economy does not work.

We regulate driving. We regulate food producing. We regulate construction and building. We regulate health care. We have regulations for how to make chocolate and baby foods and clothes and beds. But when it comes to economics, they say no, we don’t need regulation, we have to deregulate and let the invisible hand take over. Well, sorry, everything needs regulation and without that things run amok. An important affair like economy needs regulation and if it is deregulated the greedy financial institutions will drive it into gutter.

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