Thursday, April 13, 2017

Trump and world war

Worried readers on Facebook about Trump and North Korea: 

It is time for all Trump supporters and their draft-age children to report to the nearest military recruiting office. You wanted this orange disaster, so you get to be his cannon fodder.

Well, I guess the US has run its course. Nice knowing all of you.

And now that Canada might have legal weed, I can imagine there will be a lot of dodging that draft. Ha.

First ones to be drafted should be Don Jr, Eric, and Jared.

They'll have heel spurs, no doubt.

His sons should be first in line for the draft and front of the battle lines!

This is what happens when a raging narcissist man-baby with zero understanding of consequences finds out he can get praise from the media if he drops bombs. Angels and ministers of grace, defend us.

Less than 100 days in and we're on the verge of war with Syria, Russia, and North Korea, all while dropping the largest bomb since Hiroshima on Afghanistan. This dangerous, moronic ego-maniac is going to get us all killed.

Can we just tell Trump that his numbers are way up so he stops bombing countries??

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